Religion, Brain & Behavior Issues


Religion, Brain & Behavior has a CiteSchore of 3.5, which ranks #2 among 594 Religious Studies journals in SCOPUS.

Note: Individual articles in the list below link to the publisher’s web site. IBCSR members who are logged in will see the full-text version of each article. Non-members will see the abstract of each article. For information about IBCSR membership, click here.

Issues of the Journal

2015 Volume 5 Issue 4 (pages 263-342)

2015 Volume 5 Issue 3 (pages 179-261)

2015 Volume 5 Issue 2 (pages 89-178)

2015 Volume 5 Issue 1 (pages 1-87)

2014 Volume 4 Issue 3 (pages 181-258)

2014 Volume 4 Issue 2 (pages 91-180)

2014 Volume 4 Issue 1 (pages 1-90)

2013 Volume 3 Issue 3 (pages 183-256)

2013 Volume 3 Issue 2 (pages 89-182)

2013 Volume 3 Issue 1 (pages 1-88)

2012 Volume 2 Issue 3 (pages 181-270)

2012 Volume 2 Issue 2 (pages 100-180)

2012 Volume 2 Issue 1 (pages 1-99)

2011 Volume 1 Issue 3 (pages 169-255)

2011 Volume 1 Issue 2 (pages 101-167)

2011 Volume 1 Issue 1 (pages 1-99)



Volume 5 Issue 4 2015 (pages 263-342)

Editorial: “What are ‘The Hilbert Problems’ in the Study of Religion?” by Joseph Bulbulia, Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Michael L. Spezio (263-265)

Book Symposium: Big Gods by Ara Norenzayan

Book Symposium Commentary: “Are Big Gods a big deal in the emergence of big groups?” by Quentin D. Atkinson, Andrew J. Latham & Joseph Watts (266-274)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Big Gods can get in your head” by Justin L. Barrett & Tyler S. Greenway (274-279)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Empirical problems with the notion of ‘Big Gods’ and of prosociality in large societies” by Nicolas Baumard & Pascal Boyer (279-283)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Hyper-cooperation is deep in our evolutionary history and individual perception of belief matters” by Agustin Fuentes (284-290)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Big Gods, small wonder: supernatural punishment strikes back” by Dominic D.P. Johnson (290-298)

Book Symposium Commentary: “The problems and origins of belief in Big Gods” by Jordan Kiper & Jacqueline Meier (298-305)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Big Gods and the greater good” by Hillary L. Lenfesty & Jeffrey P. Schloss (305-313)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Products of cultural evolution are baroque and hard to analyze” by Lesley Newson (313-317)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Big Gods: religion in the beginning” by Hervey C. Peoples & Frank W. Marlowe (317-323)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Supernatural, social, and self-monitoring in the scaling-up of Chinese civilization” by Hagop Sarkissian (323-327)

Book Symposium Response: “Big questions about Big Gods: response and discussion” by Ara Norenzayan (327-342)


Volume 5 Issue 3 2015 (pages 179-261)

Editorial: “Religion, SCAN, and developing standards of inquiry” by Michael L. Spezio, Joseph Bulbulia, Wesley J. Wildman & Richard Sosis (179-181)

Article: “Mystical experiences associated with seizures” by Bruce Greyson, Donna K. Broshek, Lori L. Derr & Nathan B. Fountain (182-196)


Target Article: “Fundamental social motives and the varieties of religious experience” by Kathryn A. Johnson, Yexin Jessica Li & Adam B. Cohen (197-231)

Target Article Commentary: “Variation and levels of analysis in religion’s evolutionary origins” by Erica Beall & Jesse Graham (231-233)

Target Article Commentary: “Whose society, whose experience? A fundamental question for rethinking religion” by Graham Harvey (233-235)

Target Article Commentary: “Shifting social motives and religious expression in a globalized world” by Joshua N. Hook, Don E. Davis & Daryl R. Van Tongeren (235-237)

Target Article Commentary: “The justice motive as a driver of religious experience” by Aaron Kay & Jaime Napier (238-240)

Target Article Commentary: “From fundamental motives to religious dimensions: minding the gap” by Kristin Laurin (240-247)

Target Article Commentary: “Domain generality in religious cognition” by Gordon Pennycook (247-250)

Target Article Commentary: “Ecology, consensus, and variation: issues with time and persistence in religious systems” by Benjamin Grant Purzycki & Rita A. McNamara (250-253)

Target Article Commentary: “The varieties of religious predictions” by John Teehan (253-255)

Target Article Commentary: “Levels of religiosity and moral motives” by Hanne Watkins, Melissa Wheeler & Nick Haslam (255-256)

Target Article Response: “Response to commentaries: a variety of questions about fundamental motives and religious experience” by Kathryn A. Johnson, Yexin Jessica Li & Adam B. Cohen (257-261)


Volume 5 Issue 2 2015 (pages 89-178)

Editorial: “The Emerging Psychology of Religion” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis, Michael L. Spezio & Joseph Bulbulia (89-90)

Article: “Charity explains differences in life satisfaction between religious and secular New Zealanders” by Chris G. Sibley & Joseph Bulbulia (91-100)

Article: “The evolution of stratification in Fijian ritual participation” by John H. Shaver (101-117)

Book Symposium: Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, Second Edition, Edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian and Crystal L. Park

Book Symposium Commentary: “Resisting the match between religion and ‘spirituality'” by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (118-123)

Book Symposium Commentary: “How shall we fulfill the vision of a multilevel multi-method psychology of religion?” by Chris Boyatzis (124-125)

Book Symposium Commentary: “The continuing enigma of ‘religion'” by L.H. Martin (125-131)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Loss, grief, and spiritual struggle: The quest for meaning in bereavement” by Robert A. Neimeyer & Laurie A. Burke (131-138)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Psychology of religion and spirituality: meaning-making and processes of believing” by Rüdiger J. Seitz & Hans-Ferdinand Angel (139-147)

Book Symposium Commentary: “The psychology of religion/spirituality and the study of religion” by Michael Stausberg (147-157)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Are religion and spirituality of the same order as other meaning systems? A case for partial exceptionalism” by Paul Wink (157-161)

Book Symposium Commentary: “What about secular people?” by Phil Zuckerman (161-166)

Book Symposium Response: “Religiousness and Spirituality: The Psychology of Multilevel Meaning-Making Behavior” by Raymond F. Paloutzian & Crystal L. Park (166-178)


Volume 5 Issue 1 2015 (pages 1-87)

Editorial: “At the Beginning of Year Five…” by Richard Sosis & Wesley J. Wildman (1-2)

Article: “Secular rule of law erodes believers’ political intolerance of atheists” by Ara Norenzayan & Will M. Gervais (3-14)

Article: “Forecasting religious change: a Bayesian model predicting proportional Christian change in New Zealand” by William James Hoverd, Joseph Bulbulia, Negar Partow & Chris G. Sibley (15-23)

Article: “Neuropsychological correlates of forgiveness” by Brick Johnstone, Stacey Bayan, Laura Gutierrez, David Lardizabal, Sean Lanigar, Dong Pil Yoon & Katherine Judd (24-35)

Book symposium: Terrence Deacon’s Incomplete Nature

Book Symposium Commentary: “Deacon’s negative approach to realism: a metaphysical glass half empty?” by Nathaniel F. Barrett (36-41)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Missing or modal? Where emergence finds the physical facts” by Peter Bokulich (41-47)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Incomplete Deacon: why new research programs in the sciences and humanities should emerge from Terrence Deacon’s Incomplete Nature” by Paul Cassell (47-54)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Teleodynamic remarks about two cultures” by Robert Cummings Neville (54-60)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Constraints on matter are real agencies” by Jesper Hoffmeyer (60-65)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Constrained dynamics both orthograde and contragrade” by Adam Pryor (65-71)

Book Symposium Response: “Making sense of incompleteness: a response to commentaries” by Terrence W. Deacon (72-87)


Volume 4 Issue 3 2014 (pages 181-258)

Editorial: “Theoretical Neuroscience” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (181-182)

Article: “‘Meant to be’: how religious beliefs and cultural religiosity affect the implicit bias to think teleologically” by Bethany T. Heywood & Jesse M. Bering (183-201)

Target Article

Target Article: “Meditation-induced bliss viewed as release from conditioned neural (thought) patterns that block reward signals in the brain pleasure center” by Patricia E. Sharp (202-229)

Target Article Commentary: “Meditation and the DMN: an intentional approach to attention” by Candace Alcorta (230-233)

Target Article Commentary: “Bliss and authenticity: a commentary on target article by Pat Sharp” by Zoran Josipovic (233-236)

Target Article Commentary: “Adaptive functions and default nature of undirected thought, bliss or not: correcting some misconceptions” by Eric Klinger (236-239)

Target Article Commentary: “A creative and insightful cognitive neuroscience approach for understanding the effects of contemplative training on pleasure and the “gossip of the ego” by Katherine A. MacLean & Gary Weber (239-242)

Target Article Commentary: “Seizure-induced bliss: a commentary on “meditation-induced bliss viewed as release from conditioned neural (thought) patterns that block reward signals in the brain pleasure center”” by Steven C. Schachter (242-245)

Target Article Commentary: “Modeling meditation bliss: addiction and the “default mode” of self-referential processing” by Michael L. Spezio (245-248)

Target Article Response: “Bridging the communication and cultural gap between the cognitive sciences and the contemplative traditions” by Patricia E. Sharp (249-258)


Volume 4 Issue 2 2014 (pages 91-180)

Editorial: “Editorial” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (91)

Article: “Prayer as an interpersonal relationship: A neuroimaging study” by Raymond L. Neubauer (92-103)

Article: “Differences and similarities in religious and paranormal beliefs: a typology of distinct faith signatures” by Marc Stewart Wilson, Joseph Bulbulia & Chris G. Sibley (104-126)

Target Article

Target Article: “The perception of religious meaning and value: an ecological approach” by Nathaniel F. Barrett (127-146)

Target Article Commentary: “The value of affordances” by Luis H. Favela & Anthony Chemero (147-149)

Target Article Commentary: “Who or what is doing the flowing? On the apparent metaphysics of N.F. Barrett’s ecological approach” by Armin W. Geertz (149-152)

Target Article Commentary: “Ecological psychology and religious meaning: strange bedfellows?” by Harry Heft (152-154)

Target Article Commentary: “Religion, environment and milieu” by Gabe Ignatow & Elizabeth Gabhart (155-156)

Target Article Commentary: “Religious perception and the education of attention” by Tim Ingold (156-158)

Target Article Commentary: “What an ecological approach can teach us” by T.M. Luhrmann (159-161)

Target Article Commentary: “Parsing meaning and value in relation to experience” by Ann Taves (161-167)

Target Article Commentary: “Religious experience and the metaphysics of meaning and value” by Aku Visala (167-169)”

Target Article Commentary: “Cognitive processes in religious discernment: a response to Nathaniel Barrett” by Fraser Watts (169-171)

Target Article Response: “Perceptualization and the enjoyment of religious practice: a response to commentators” by Nathaniel F. Barrett (171-180)


Volume 4 Issue 1 2014 (pages 1-90)

Editorial: “Ethnography and Experiments in the Scientific Study of Religion” by Richard Sosis, Wesley J. Wildman & Patrick McNamara (1-2)

Article: “Does synchrony promote generalized prosociality?” by Paul Reddish, Joseph Bulbulia & Ronald Fischer (3-19)

Article: “Religion, synchrony, and cooperation” by Emma Cohen, Roger Mundry & Sebastian Kirschner (20-30)

Article: “Religious motivations for cooperation: an experimental investigation using explicit primes” by David G. Rand, Anna Dreber, Omar S. Haque, Rob J. Kane, Martin A. Nowak & Sarah Coakley (31-48)

Book Symposium: Tanya Luhrmann’s When God Talks Back

Book Symposium Commentary: “Modes of knowing: how kataphatic practice impacts our brains and behaviors” by Candace S. Alcorta (49-56)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Intuitive and sensible, but often vague” by Brian Malley (56-59)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Attachment theory, relational spirituality, and varieties of evangelicals” by Steven J. Sandage (59-65)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Living with evangelical paradoxes” by Brad D. Strawn & Warren S. Brown (65-72)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Religious experience as a different world” by James K. Wellman Jr. (72-78)

Book Symposium Response: “Knowing God, attentional learning, and the local theory of mind” by T.M. Luhrmann (78-90)


Volume 3 Issue 3 2013 (pages 183-256)

Editorial: “The Scientific Study of Religion” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (183-184)

Article: “Does poverty predict religion?” by William J. Hoverda, Joseph Bulbulia & Chris G. Sibley (185-200)

Article: “Catholic guilt? Recall of confession promotes prosocial behavior” by Ryan McKay, Jenna Herold & Harvey Whitehouse (201-209)

Article: “Which cheek did Jesus turn?” by Lealani Mae Y. Acosta, John B. Williamson & Kenneth M. Heilman (210-218)

Article: “The proportion of religious residents predicts the values of nonreligious neighbors: evidence from a national sample” by Chris G. Sibley & Joseph Bulbulia (219-232)

Article: “Cultural uniformity and religion” by Yuval Laor (233-253)

Book Review:Justin L. Barrett, Born believers: the science of children’s religious belief (Free Press, 2012) by Joshua Rottman (254-256)


Volume 3 Issue 2 2013 (pages 89-182)

Editorial: “On the Naturalness of Religion” by Richard Sosis, Wesley J. Wildman & Patrick McNamara (89-90)

Article: “Effects of religious setting on cooperative behavior: a case study from Mauritius” by Dimitris Xygalatas (91-102)

Article: “Emotion in mystical experience” by David T. Bradford (103-118)

Book Symposium: Robert McCauley’s Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not

Book Symposium Commentary: “Unnatural comparisons: commentary on Robert McCauley’s Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not” by Francisca Cho (119-125)

Book Symposium Commentary: “The fragility of science: creating dialectical space for the naturalness of religiosity in the cognitive science of culture” by William (Lee) W. McCorkle Jr. (125-128)

Book Symposium Commentary: “The place of evolved cognition in scientific thinking” by Hugo Mercier & Christophe Heintz (128-134)

Book Symposium Commentary: “How science is better understood than religion” by Robert Cummings Neville (134-141)

Book Symposium Commentary: “McCauley, the maturational natural, and the current limits of the cognitive science of religion” by Gregory R. Peterson (141-151)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Science is unnatural in more ways than one” by Jason Slone (151-155)

Book Symposium Commentary: “Natural reasoning, truth and function” by Konrad Talmont-Kaminski (155-161)

Book Symposium Commentary: “What is natural and unnatural about religion and science?” by Dimitris Xygalatas (161-164)

Book Symposium Response: “Why science is exceptional and religion is not: A response to commentators on Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not” by Robert N. McCauley (165-182)


Volume 3 Issue 1 2013 (pages 1-88)

Editorial: “Bio-Cultural Approaches to Social Forms” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (1-2)

Article: “Cultural inheritance or cultural diffusion of religious violence? A quantitative case study of the Radical Reformation” by Luke J. Matthews, Jeffrey Edmonds, Wesley J. Wildman & Charles L. Nunn (3-15)

Article: “A cognitive analysis of the Palestrina Myth” by Steven Hrotic (16-38)

Target Article

Target Article: “Cognitive resource depletion in religious interactions” by Uffe Schjoedt, Jesper Sørensen, Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo, Dimitris Xygalatas, Panagiotis Mitkidis & Joseph Bulbulia (39-55)

Target Article Commentary: “Religious ritual and modes of knowing: commentary on the cognitive resource depletion model of ritual” by Candace S. Alcorta (55-58)

Target Article Commentary: “Religious ritual and the loss of self” by Steven Brown (58-60)

Target Article Commentary: “Adding mist to the fog surrounding collective rituals: what are they, why, when and how often do they occur?” by David Eilam & Joel Mort (60-63)

Target Article Commentary: “Cognitive consequences and constraints on reasoning about ritual” by Cristine H. Legare & Patricia A. Herrmann (63-65)

Target Article Commentary: “What are we measuring?” by Pierre Lienard, Matthew Martinez & Michael Moncrieff (65-68)

Target Article Commentary: “Functions, mechanisms, and contexts: comments on ‘Cognitive resource depletion in religious interactions’” by Robert N. McCauley (68-71)

Target Article Commentary: “Cognitive resource depletion and the ritual healing theory” by James McClenon (71-73)

Target Article Commentary: “Problems for the cognitive-depletion model of religious interactions” by Paulo Sousa & Claire White (73-76)

Target Article Commentary: “Ritual and acquiescence to authoritative discourse” by Harvey Whitehouse (76-79)

Target Article Response: “The resource model and the principle of predictive coding: a framework for analyzing proximate effects of ritual” by Uffe Schjoedt, Jesper Sørensen, Kristoffer L. Nielbo, Dimitris Xygalatas, Panagiotis Mitkidis & Joseph Bulbulia (79-86)

Book Review: “Erik Kaufmann’s Shall the religious inherit the Earth? Demography and politics in the twenty-first century” by Michael Blume (87-88)


Volume 2 Issue 3 2012 (pages 181-270)

Editorial:“A New Format: The Book Symposium” by Richard Sosis, Wesley J. Wildman & Patrick McNamara (181)

Target Article

Target Article:“The role for simulations in theory construction for the social sciences: case studies concerning Divergent Modes of Religiosity” by Harvey Whitehouse, Ken Kahn, Michael E. Hochberg & Joanna J. Bryson (182-201)

Target Article Commentary:“How do we convince agent-based modeling agnostics?” by Edmund Chattoe-Brown (201-203)

Target Article Commentary:“Can simulation be more than a heuristic tool for studying belief systems?” by Andre Costopoulos (203-205)

Target Article Commentary:“We need focused, transparent, and validated models of religion” by István Czachesz (205-207)

Target Article Commentary:“‘There shall be life!’ Some critical remarks on modeling modes of religiosity” by Armando Geller (207-209)

Target Article Commentary:“Modeling the evolution of religious institutions” by Paul L. Hooper (209-212)

Target Article Commentary:“The spread of conventions and the search for the optimal strategy” by Natalia L. Komarova (212-215)

Target Article Commentary:“Ancestors in the simulation machine: measuring the transmission and oscillation of religiosity in computer modeling” William W. McCorkle Jr & Justin Lane (215-218)

Target Article Response:“From the imaginary to the real: the back and forth between reality and simulation” by Harvey Whitehouse, Ken Kahn, Michael E. Hochberg & Joanna J. Bryson (219-224)

Book Symposium: Robert Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution

Book Symposium Commentary:“Religion and the evolution of meaning: is meaning made or perceived?” by Nathaniel F. Barrett (225-230)

Book Symposium Commentary:“The complex origins of religion: the work of Robert Bellah” by Merlin Donald (230-237)

Book Symposium Commentary:“An ‘axial’ work” by William Scott Green (238-242)

Book Symposium Commentary:“Religion in human evolution: on some generative and selective mechanisms” by Jeppe Sinding Jensen (242-248)

Book Symposium Commentary:“Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution: four theoretical issues” by Richard K. Payne (249-255)

Book Symposium Commentary:“Religion and empire in the Axial Age” by Peter Turchin (256-260)

Book Symposium Response:“Religion in human evolution revisited: response to commentators” by Robert N. Bellah (260-270)


Volume 2 Issue 2 2012 (pages 100-180)

Editorial:“The politics of field names” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (101-104)

Article:“Religious conservatism: an evolutionarily evoked disease-avoidance strategy” by John A. Terrizzi Jr, Natalie J. Shook & W. Larry Ventis (105-120)

Article:“Understanding the memory advantage of counterintuitive concepts” by Mary Harmon-Vukić, M. Afzal Upal & Kelly J. Sheehan (121-139)

Article:“Primordialists and constructionists: a typology of theories of religion” by Eric Kaufmann (140-160)

Article:“The essence of soul concepts: how soul concepts influence ethical reasoning across religious affiliation” by Rebekah A. Richert & Erin Smith (161-176)

Book Review:“Sebastian Schüler’s Religion, Kognition, Evolution: eine religionswissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Cognitive Science of Religion by Connor Wood (177-179)


Volume 2 Issue 1 2012 (pages 1-99)

Editorial:The scientific study of atheism” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (1-3)

Target Article

Target Article:Understanding atheism/non-belief as an expected individual-differences variable” by Catherine L. Caldwell-Harris (4-23)

Target Article Commentary:Atheism and social cognition” by William Sims Bainbridge (23-25)

Target Article Commentary:Studying atheism and the psychology of religiosity” by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi (25-27)

Target Article Commentary:The explanation of atheism as an individual-differences variable: an appreciative response” by Ralph W. Hood Jr (27-29)

Target Article Commentary:What should we believe about atheists?” by Dominic Johnson (30-32)

Target Article Commentary:Explaining universality and individual differences in terms of ‘human nature’” by Lee A. Kirkpatrick (32-35)

Target Article Commentary:Viewing atheism as an individual-difference variable: suggestions for advancing research” by Crystal L. Park (35-38)

Target Article Commentary:Atheists are rejecting today’s culturally evolved religions, not a ‘first’ natural religion” by John R. Shook (38-40)

Target Article Response:What theoretical frameworks do scholars need? What type of society do we all want?” by Catherine L. Caldwell-Harris (40-47)

Target Article

Target Article:What are atheists for? Hypotheses on the functions of non-belief in the evolution of religion” by Dominic Johnson (48-70)

Target Article Commentary:Atheism: by-product of cognitive styles of independent learning and systemizing” by Catherine L. Caldwell-Harris (70-73)

Target Article Commentary:Why should atheists be ‘for’ anything? On the collective idiosyncrasies and illusions of cognitive scientists of religion” by Armin W. Geertz (73-75)

Target Article Commentary:On the non-evolution of atheism and the importance of definitions and data” by Jonathan Lanman (76-78)

Target Article Commentary:The sleep of reason: do atheists improve the stock?” by Ryan McKay & Daniel Dennett (78-80)

Target Article Commentary:Ritually faking belief” by Matt J. Rossano (81-83)

Target Article Commentary:On affirmations of the realities of religion and atheism” by Benson Saler & Charles A. Ziegler (83-85)

Target Article Commentary:Whence atheists: outliers or outlaws?” by Jeffrey P. Schloss (86-89)

Target Article Commentary:Religious belief and atheism are not mutually exclusive” by Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford & Todd K. Shackelford (89-91)

Target Article Response:Atheists: accidents of nature?” by Dominic Johnson (91-99)


Volume 1 Issue 3 2011 (pages 169-255)

Editorial:Reductionism in the scientific study of religion” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (169-172)

Article:Glossolalia is associated with differences in biomarkers of stress and arousal among Apostolic Pentecostals” by Christopher Dana Lynn, Jason J. Paris, Cheryl Anne Frye & Lawrence M. Schell (173-191)

Target Article

Target Article:The need to believe: a neuroscience account of religion as a motivated process” by Michael Inzlicht, Alexa M. Tullett & Marie Good (192-212)

Target Article Commentary:Religion, health, and the social signaling model of religion” by Candace S. Alcorta (213-216)

Target Article Commentary:Believing, belonging, meaning, and religious coping” by Roy F. Baumeister & Michael MacKenzie (216-219)

Target Article Commentary:Toward an evolutionary social neuroscience of religion” by Joseph Bulbulia & Uffe Schjoedt (220-222)

Target Article Commentary:Differences in cognitive style, emotional processing, and ideology as crucial variables in understanding meaning making” by Omar Sultan Haque, Amitai Shenhav & David Rand (223-225)

Target Article Commentary:Dissonance and distress” by Eddie Harmon-Jones & Cindy Harmon-Jones (225-227)

Target Article Commentary:Motivational and neural systems of religion” by Kathryn A. Johnson, B. Hunter Ball, Gene A. Brewer & Adam B. Cohen (227-331)

Target Article Commentary:Religion is the opiate of the masses (but science is the methadone)” by Jesse Lee Preston (231-233)

Target Article Commentary:Understanding the role of religion’s palliative effects, within and between cultures” by Daniel Randles (234-236)

Target Article Commentary:The need to believe in conflicting propositions” by Uffe Schjoedt & Joseph Bulbulia (236-239)

Target Article Commentary:Religions, meaning making, and basic needs” by Ann Taves & Raymond F. Paloutzian (239-241)

Target Article Commentary:From ‘is’ to ‘ought’: the naturalistic fallacy in the psychology of religion” by Kees van den Bos (242-243)

Target Article Response:Existential neuroscience: a proximate explanation of religion as flexible meaning and palliative” by Michael Inzlicht, Alexa M. Tullett & Marie Good (244-251)

Book Review:Anthony Chemero, Radical embodied cognitive science (MIT, 2009) by Nathaniel F. Barrett (252-255)


Volume 1 Issue 2 2011 (pages 101-167)

Editorial:The scientific study of religion and the humanities” by Wesley J. Wildman, Richard Sosis & Patrick McNamara (1-4)

Article:Associations of religious behavior and experiences with extent of regional atrophy in the orbitofrontal cortex during older adulthood” by R. David Hayward, Amy D. Owen, Harold G. Koenig, David C. Steffens & Martha E. Payne (103-118)

Article:Supernatural punishment and individual social compliance across cultures” by Pierrick Bourrat, Quentin D. Atkinson & Robin I.M. Dunbar (119-134)

Article:Confucius meets cognition: new answers to old questions” by Rolf Reber & Edward G. Slingerland (134-145)

Article:The role of testimony in the evaluation of religious expertise” by André L. Souza & Cristine H. Legare (146-153)

Article:Bearing gods in mind and culture” by F. LeRon Shults (154-167)


Volume 1 Issue 1 2011 (pages 1-99)

Editorial:Announcing a new journal: Religion, Brain & Behavior” by Patrick McNamara, Richard Sosis & Wesley J. Wildman (1-4)

Article:Afterlife beliefs: category specificity and sensitivity to biological priming” by Judith Bek & Suzanne Lock (5-17)

Article:Spontaneous processing of functional and non-functional action sequences” by Kristoffer L. Nielbo & Jesper Sørensen (18-30)

Article:Tyvan cher eezi and the socioecological constraints of supernatural agents’ minds” by Benjamin Grant Purzycki (31-45)

Target Article

Target Article:Evolutionary accounts of belief in supernatural punishment: a critical review” by Jeffrey P. Schloss & Michael J. Murray (46-99)

Target Article Commentary:Affording cooperative populations” by Joseph Bulbulia & Marcus Frean (66-70)

Target Article Commentary:Broadening the critical perspective on supernatural punishment theories” by Emma Cohen (70-72)

Target Article Commentary:Stratification and supernatural punishment: cooperation or obedience?” by Rolando de Aguiar & Lee Cronk (73-75)

Target Article Commentary:Supernatural punishment: what traits are being selected?” by Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt (75-77)

Target Article Commentary:Why God is the best punisher” by Dominic Johnson (77-84)

Target Article Commentary:Disbelief in the gods and the ‘cooperation enhancement’ account of supernatural punishment theory” by Ryan Nichols (85-87)

Target Article Commentary:Imagine there is no religion” by Ilkka Pyysiäinen (87-89)

Target Article Commentary:Big gods were made for big groups” by Azim F. Shariff (89-93)

Target Article Response:How might evolution lead to hell?” by Jeffrey P. Schloss & Michael J. Murray (93-99)