Category Meet CMAC

To read profiles of our researchers, Q&As, explanations of methods and terms, and other general interest topics, refer to this page.

What is LISDA? (Part 1)

We recently interviewed CMAC Postdoctoral Fellow Rachel Bacon and Research Assistant Abigail Wester about the LISDA project. In Part 1 of the three-part interview, Rachel describes the history of the project and how it came to be hosted at CMAC. …

Practicing Safe Sects

CMAC Research Associate F. LeRon Shults recently published Practicing Safe Sects: Religious Reproduction in Scientific and Philosophical Perspective. The book is now open access and anyone can download it for free! Shults’ book addresses how conceptions of supernatural agents arise…

A graphic with open books and a bookshelf, white text reads "Meet our summer researchers"

Meet Our Summer Researchers

Our three summer researchers are hard at work on various projects. Learn more about the research they’re working on, the impacts it could have, and what our researchers like to do outside of CMAC! Kate Stockly is a PhD student…