
Conservative emotional avoidance

Do liberals and conservatives really see the world differently? Maybe it’s more like they feel it differently. Recent research (e.g., Tomkins 1995) has suggested that conservatives and liberals experience different sorts of emotional responses. Specifically, some emotions, like joy and…

Lindamood Fellows Program

Background to the Fellows Program Young researchers working on IBCSR projects are vital to the future of the scientific study of religion. Their skill set embraces multiple disciplines. They combine the precision of the scientist with the complex awareness of…

Inaugural Edition of IBCSR Research Review Released

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 The Institute for the Biocultural Study of Religion (IBCSR) announces the publication of the inaugural issue of IBCSR Research Review (IRR). IRR briefly annotates and furnishes online information about scientific research articles related to brain, behavior, culture,…