New Post: Philosophy of Religion
Jack Mulder, Professor of Philosophy at Hope College, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Jack Mulder, Professor of Philosophy at Hope College, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Adam Barkman, Chair of Philosophy at Redeemer College (Canada), answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Founding Director Patrick McNamara Sacred Spaces Volume 7 2015 Abstract: The neuroscience literature supports the idea that spiritual transformation is a powerful behavioral and cognitive change process involving fundamental alterations in the sense of self. Brain regions that are known to mediate the…
Research Associate LeRon Shults American Journal of Theology & Philosophy Vol. 36 No. 1 January 2015 Intro: For readers familiar with Robert Neville’s expansive literary corpus, one of the first questions that arises when confronted with volume 1 of his trilogy on Philosophical Theology…
Research Associate Catherine Caldwell-Harris Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Chicago IL USA 2015 Abstract: AYŞE AYÇIÇEĞIDINN and SEVIL HOCAOĞLU, Istanbul University, CATHERINE CALDWELL-HARRIS, Boston University (presented by Catherine Caldwell-Harris). — Having an analytical cognitive style is correlated with reduced religiosity, possibly because analysis prompts…
Mark Gardiner, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Mount Royal University (Canada), answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Kevin Schilbrack, Chair of Religion and Philosophy at Appalachian State University, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, Privatdozent at the University of Enfurt (Germany), answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Mariana Alessandri, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas Pan American, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Matheson Russell, Lecturer in Philosophy at University of Auckland (New Zealand) answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here