Spirit Tech
Spirit Tech: The Brave New World of Consciousness Hacking and Enlightenment Engineering is a forthcoming book by CMAC researchers Dr. Wesley Wildman and Kate Stockly, which introduces and evaluates, from the perspective of two scholars who have decades of research on religion and spirituality behind them, several new spiritual technologies within what they call the “scattered supermarket of special spiritual services.”
The book explores the next and potentially most transformative revolution: the potential for a cyborg spirituality—in which brain-based technological advancements are harnessed to enhance and facilitate spiritual experiences from achieving Nirvana to meeting God to communing telepathically with fellow believers.

Human Simulation

Human Simulation: Perspectives, Insights, and Applications is edited by CMAC Director Saikou Diallo, Executive Director Wesley J. Wildman, and Research Associates LeRon Shults and Andreas Tolk. Chapters compiled by 18 active and experienced researchers* provide a holistic perspective regarding modeling through the lens of human simulation as a way to portray the humanities concepts in a clear and calculated manner.
This uniquely inspirational and practical book explores human simulation, which is the application of computational modeling and simulation to research subjects in the humanities disciplines. It delves into the fascinating process of collaboration among experts who usually don’t have much to do with one another – computer engineers and humanities scholars – from the perspective of the humanities scholars. It also explains the process of developing models and simulations in these interdisciplinary teams.