
New Post: Philosophy of Religion

Michael S. Jones, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University and Executive Editor for the Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here

New Post: Philosophy of Religion

Maurice Boutin, John W. McConnell Professor of Philosophy of Religion at McGill University 1991-2010 & Philosophical Theology at the University of Montreal 1972-Present, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here

New Post: Philosophy of Religion

Ronald Kuipers, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Director of the Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics at the Institute for Christian Studies (Toronto, Canada), answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here

IBCSR and RBB mentioned at This View of Life

The Institute for the Bio-Cultural Study of Religion and the journal Religion, Brian & Behavior have both received attention over at evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson’s online magazine This View of Life. Reporting on the recent November 2013 meeting of the…