
Access the Database

The IBCSR Research Review Database is hosted with Zotero. Zotero is a free, open-source citation management program created by George Mason University (with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences, and the Alfred P.…

Search the Database

The IBCSR Research Review Database went live in January, 2011. The same search algorithms, selection procedures, and abstract-writing principles used to produce IBCSR Research Review are also used to construct the IBCSR Research Review Database. This database is gradually expanding,…

Transaction Security Information

Transaction Security Information You can make financial transactions at with confidence. We have partnered with Authorize.Net, a leading payment gateway since 1996, to accept credit card payments safely and securely for our members and donors. The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway…

Religiosity and dogmatism

We’ve all seen it: religious extremists with signs protesting a seemingly innocuous event. Or perhaps hardcore believers dogmatically arguing with someone about religion. But are these diehards really more dogmatic and less open-minded than others? Does this common perception have…

Born into religion

It is often taken for granted that children will just inherit the religion of their parents. Clearly, it seems, nurture trumps nature in terms of religion. In 1990, Neils G. Waller and others (all from the University of Minnesota) dared…

Spectrums Project: Introduction

“Conservative” and “liberal” – they’re words we hear every day, so we know what they mean, right? Well, in a religious context, we’re not so sure. For example, does “conservative” religion refer to Biblical literalism or to strongly held beliefs…

IBCSR Membership

IBCSR membership was handled by annual transactions on this site until December 31, 2024. From January 1, 2025 onwards, all past members are ongoing members of IBCSR. To inquire about a members-only subscription to the journal Religion, Brain & Behavior…

Conservative emotional avoidance

Do liberals and conservatives really see the world differently? Maybe it’s more like they feel it differently. Recent research (e.g., Tomkins 1995) has suggested that conservatives and liberals experience different sorts of emotional responses. Specifically, some emotions, like joy and…