Presentation: Theoretical Perspectives on Conservative and Liberal Religion

Post-Doctoral Fellow Connor Wood
Rabbis Without Borders Alumni Retreat at the Pearlstone Center, Reisterstown MD USA
February 12, 2018

Retreat Summary: No matter where we all fall on the political, cultural and religious spectrum, we are all struggling in some way with this issue. Things are changing around us at a rapid pace, and our communities are increasingly diverse and divided on issues. How do we as rabbis, as religious leaders, hold the tensions around us and respond to them? Come engage your imagination, push past the borders of what you thought was possible, learn from amazing teachers and colleagues, have fun and re-energize! We will be bringing in two keynote speakers to address this topic – one from a more theoretical perspective (why are people wired to believe certain things or represent certain political views) and one from a practical perspective (how do we as leaders work with diverse groups of people and advocate for the positions we most believe in.)

Learn More about the Retreat
Watch the Facebook Live Broadcast