Tag Connor Wood

5 media mentions in 2021

In addition to conducting research, we need to communicate it. Project-specific communication, in the form of blog posts, newsletters, and social media can advance understanding, inform future donors, and enact change. By sharing CMAC’s research methods, project goals, and specific…

IACSR 2018

7th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion August 12 – 15, 2018 It’s been a busy week of CMACer presentations & participation. Here’s a full listing of all that we were up to at…

New Publication: The Rhythms of Discontent

Post-Doctoral Fellow Connor Wood and Research Director Catherine Caldwell-Harris Journal of Cognition and Culture April 27, 2018 Abstract: Synchrony — intentional, rhythmic motor entrainment in groups — is an important topic in social psychology and the cognitive science of religion. Synchrony…

New Publication: Complexity and Possession

Post-Doctoral Fellow Connor Wood & Doctoral Fellow Kate Stockly Behavioral and Brain Sciences April 6, 2018 Abstract: Singh deploys cultural evolution to explain recurrent features of shamanistic trance forms, but fails to substantively address important distinctions between these forms. Possession trance…

New Publication: Reflective Thought, Religious Belief and the Social Foundations Hypothesis

Research Director Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Post-Doctoral Fellow Connor Wood and Doctoral Fellow Jonathan Morgan Chapter in The New Reflectionism in Cognitive Psychology: Why Reason Matters December 2017 Abstract: Analytical thinking predicts irreligiosity across paradigms and contexts. Explanations for this association have included…

Conference: The Evolution of Religion II

Post-Doctoral Fellow Connor Wood (Co-Organizer of Conference) Conference on Evolution of Religion II: How Biology, Psychology and Culture Interact November 12 – 15, 2017 Conference Summary:  The first International Conference on the Evolution of Religion was held in Hawaii in January,…