New Post: Philosophy of Religion
Robert C. Neville, Professor of Philosophy, Religion and Theology at Boston University, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Robert C. Neville, Professor of Philosophy, Religion and Theology at Boston University, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Michael Zank, Professor of Religion at Boston University and Acting Director of the Elie Wiesel Center of Judaic Studies, answers the question: ‘What is the Philosophy of Religion?’ at PhilosophyofReligion.Org Read it Here
Research Associate Catherine Caldwell-Harris Religion, Brain and Behavior April 27, 2012 Abstract: A compelling body of scholarship exists which proposes that religious and spiritual beliefs exist in every human society because they reflect fundamental aspects of evolved human nature. This raises…
As one might expect given the title, Roy Rappaport in Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity (Cambridge University Press, 1999) spends a great deal of time exploring the notion of ritual in this book. A majority of the…
Nearly a decade and a half ago, an elite group of scientists gathered in Berkeley, California, to participate in a groundbreaking project called Science and the Spiritual Quest. Their object was to share insights from science’s front lines about the…
Research Associate Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Founding Director Patrick McNamara and Co-Authors The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Boston Massachusetts, 2011 Abstract: The cognitive science of religion is a new field which explains religious belief as emerging from normal…
Research Associate Catherine Caldwell-Harris and Co-Authors Mental Health, Religion & Culture October 12, 2010 Abstract: Atheists are America’s least trusted group, and stereotypes about them abound: Atheists are non-conformist, sceptical, cynical, and joyless, rarely experiencing awe. Atheists (N = 42) were recruited from…