The 3P Directory: Categorizing Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking in MA

The Tools against Child Trafficking (TACT) project equips anti-trafficking efforts with the necessary resources to accelerate their solutions. The 3P Directory is one such tool.

The Directory categorizes anti-trafficking organizations based on their key activities in three policy dimensions – protection, prosecution and prevention – to shed light on the existing efforts.

The Directory demonstrates where resources are mainly focused and provides intel to better allocate the limited funding in the future. The 3P Directory can foster the sharing of knowledge, the development of best practices and the initiation of partnerships among stakeholders. Those assisting the survivors of human trafficking will be better informed and thus more effective.

The 3P Directory will also help strengthen the 4P policy dimension – partnership.

Design by Bernd Durrwachter

The 3P Directory includes organizations from Allies Database, developed by MA Coalition to End Human Trafficking (MCEHT), mainly focusing on Massachusetts.

Users have the flexibility to filter the directory by the 3P policy dimensions –protection, prosecution and prevention, location, types of trafficking, population served and the key terms by clicking on one of the filter buttons or using the search button. The search button allows for filtering one or more words using a space between the words. For example, if a user wants to see all the organizations located in Boston that focus on children and protection, they can type “Boston children protection” in the search box. For a list of organizations with their main activities focused on prevention, the user can click on the filter button “prevention” or use the search box.

The 3P policy dimensions – protection, prosecution and prevention – are reflected in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (Palermo Protocol or Anti-Trafficking Protocol), the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and in the United States’ Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). They are used as the fundamental framework around the world to combat human trafficking. The 3P Directory measures and evaluates the three main policy dimensions based on the requirements of Anti Trafficking Protocol.

Our categorization is an adoption of the 3P Policy Index Cho, Dreher & Neumayer (2014) developed using the US Department of State’s Annual Reports of Trafficking in Persons and UN Office on Drugs and Crime Reports on Trafficking in Persons: Global Patterns. The index measures the three main dimensions of anti-trafficking policies of the governments of up to 180 countries over 2000 – 2010 period based on the requirements of Anti Trafficking Protocol.

If the organization you represent is missing and you would like your organization to be added to the 3P Directory or if you have any other inquiries, please send an email to