
September Team Meeting

Our first team meeting of the fall semester! First, introductions. Over the summer, Ali O’Hare was hired as our new Projects and Development Manager. Julia Dunlavey was hired as our new Administration and Communications Coordinator. Everyone gave some background about themselves and…

Summer Update

It’s been a record hot summer in Boston and a red hot summer at CMAC too, with lots of projects heating up and a constant stream of activity. Research Manager John Balch and Office Manager Maggie Boyd have focused on…

IACSR 2018

7th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion August 12 – 15, 2018 It’s been a busy week of CMACer presentations & participation. Here’s a full listing of all that we were up to at…

Network Analysis

This is an article in our new series exploring and explaining the concepts that underlie our research. Many of our projects integrate highly involved, deeply technical theories and methods, which can be hard to understand without proper training. These posts…


This is the first article in our new series exploring and explaining the concepts that underlie our research. Many of our projects integrate highly involved, deeply technical theories and methods, which can be hard to understand without proper training. These…